World’s Only Coconut Chicken Bred on Yoga Music
More Nutritious, Tender & Juicy
The psychology of the chicken will affect its meat texture and nutrition. Our organic farming method, taking into account the psychological needs of the chicken, exercises an extra measure to reduce its anxiety and fear.
To keep the chicken mentally happy, a special speaker that plays yoga music long term is set up to reduce their pressure and anxiety, thereby ensuring that the Coconut Chicken is bred in a relaxing and happy atmosphere.
*Raising poultry with music is scientifically based. For example, the world's top Japanese wagyu cattle are raised with melodious music to keep them in a happy, comfortable environment.
To keep the chicken mentally happy, a special speaker that plays yoga music long term is set up to reduce their pressure and anxiety, thereby ensuring that the Coconut Chicken is bred in a relaxing and happy atmosphere.
*Raising poultry with music is scientifically based. For example, the world's top Japanese wagyu cattle are raised with melodious music to keep them in a happy, comfortable environment.

Characteristics of Healthy Coconut Chicken Thin Skin, Tender Meat, Robust Color!
The meat quality of Abadi Ayam organic Coconut Chicken, not raised on chemical feed and drug stimulation, exhibit the following health characteristics:

Reddish, tender meat

Thin skin and smooth meat, with a robust taste

Nice and chewy, fresh and juicy

Nutritious Coconut Chicken, Healthier for the Whole Family!
Coconut enzyme feed readily breaks down toxins in Abadi Ayam organic Coconut Chicken, so that the rich, tasty meat can bring the following nutritional value to the human body:

Ultra-low fat content

Rich protein

Ultra-low cholesterol

Abundant Vitamin C

Boost immunity