Abadi Ayam® 创造非凡,追求卓越

We Built Different, We Built Premium!

你知道吗?Abadi Ayam农场饲养的鸡只每天闻“YOGA”起舞,吃的是“椰子酵素”,营造一个鸡只健康愉快成长的环境!
Do you know? Abadi Ayam poultry farm chicken have a great lifestyle,listening to YOGA music and feeding by Coconuts Enzymes daily. This to make sure the chicken are growing under a great healthy environment!

We are farming the happiness YOGA Organic Coconut Chicken, we NEVER use any “Additives Item”(As You Know) to feed the chicken , we still can farming the chicken well!

Abadi Ayam有机椰子鸡,不一样就是不一样!?
Abadi Ayam Organic Coconut Chicken, we are always different in the market!

For whom would like to know more about the feeding procedure, please click the video link below!

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#有机椰子鸡 #Malaysia